Wednesday, February 11, 2009

undignified beginnings

When Andrew first asked me to share this blog with him, I was excited and apprehensive. The previous experience with blogging is limited to an adolescent (and might I add terrible) attempt at poetry and prose on a site frequented by lots of other not-so-starving teenage artists. In any case, I suppose I can give it another go. For Andrew's sake, of course ;) 

We decided to name our blog Undignified., in reference to a favorite Biblical passage that we feel represents our attitude toward life in general. In 2 Samuel 6, King David has brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem and in his excitement, begins rejoicing the Lord with unprecedented fervor - leaping, dancing, singing, and sounding the trumpets. Basically, David was getting his groove on. 

Of course, someone had to ruin the good time. That person happened to be Michal, the daughter of Saul. She was disgusted with David's actions and made it clear to him that she had no respect for someone who would act so un-kingly. 

David's response? 

"I will celebrate before the Lord, [and] I will become even more undignified than this..." (2 Samuel 6:21-22)

When you've got to praise, you've got to praise. If that means being undignified in the eyes of the world, so be it. Being a follower of Christ often means standing apart from the crowd. It means being exactly who I am in the Lord, regardless of what the world says I should be. I've got a God who deserves my all - everything in me, including my amazing dance moves. 

We think old Dave was quite the guy, dancing and praising the Lord when clearly it was quite the improper thing to do. We also think this is how we should be - always humbled before the Lord in praise and adoration, even when it means living life a little differently than our neighbors....

We might not exactly be the most normal of people to begin with. Add some terrible dancing to the mix and we're just plain awkward. But...for our God...we like to move it, move it. 


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