Sunday, February 15, 2009


What is passion? Is it something easily summed up in one or two sentences? Probably has something to do with sex right? Is it something found inside of someone?

Yes to all of the above and it's so much more. According to Webster's dictionary there are many definitions to the word passion. The first one is interesting to note, "the sufferings of Christ between the night of the last supper and his death". Right on! Of course that is passion! I would imagine it had to be his burning desire, love, and yearning to do what the father wanted him to do.

I personally find passion everywhere. The "pidder padder" of my dogs claws on the floor when she races over to give me lots of kisses, the deafening roar of the ocean waves crashing down and the thunderous boom of the thunder. How about a lion attacking his prey for food? The sound of a baby's giggle or the intense power of his/her smile?

I am a firm believer in passion, I feel it on fire inside of me every day.

What does passion mean to you?

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