Saturday, February 27, 2010
Challenge Results
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Challenge to you and myself...
Have the attitude that today is a "gift". What does that mean to you? How did your outlook or understanding change today/tomorrow when you do this? Did you learn anything?
My mom used to have a Family Circus cartoon on the fridge. It says, "Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is a gift and that's why it's called the present!"
Post your comment and let us know. I'll follow this blog up with another post on my findings.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

At age 5, I wanted to be an artist.
At age 8, an author.
age 10, a doctor.
age 12, a teacher.
Age 15, a lawyer.
Age 18, an international missionary.
Age 19, a photographer.
Age 21, a relief worker.
At age 23, I’m a youth counselor. Next year I might decide to be a federal agent. Often I become frustrated (and even frightened) by the idea that I’m not sure where, exactly, I’m going. Why is it that I can never just be content with who and where I am? I wish that I could insert something deep and thought-provoking here, but I can’t and I won’t. I’ll just look at my list and imagine what I’ll be adding in the next seventy years. I might be a one-woman show, but at least I’ll never stop entertaining myself.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Four letter word...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
To whoever is listening...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The path of my life....
I feel like I'm walking down the street and inside all of the houses are many people. Lots of hot chocolate, cookies, turkey, stuffing, laughing, little kids running and general happiness. I don't fit in, yet I would love to. There is hope however as a few of them wave and say hi as I walk by.
The unspeakable happens and someone is taken from me. Someone I admired and looked up to. Now instead of hope I feel despair. Every night I sit alone, staring at the pieces of myself broken all over the place. I wonder what it would be like to have help picking up the pieces, to have a friend come over and watch a game or go out to eat with. I hope someday this could happen.
Not at all sure where I'm headed. I hope the pain subsides so I can be myself...
Monday, January 4, 2010
i’ve got some strange attraction to trees
as if i might fall in love with one someday
i may just sit beneath one for an hour or two
and the hours will turn into days and years
and there i will sit, wistful and windblown
…we’ll grow into each other
and autumn will be our favorite season
(i’ll lay beneath the branches and be doused
in auburns and burgundies and jades
and i’ll bring new meaning to the words
tree hugger)
of course, the only talking that needs to be done
will be done by the breeze:
it will be me and the tree and the wind hum
the tree and i, we’ll be lovers
but mostly we’ll just be