Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We serve a mighty God

I was at church a few weeks ago and was introduced to the provost of Kansas State University. At first I was slightly shocked to be shaking the hand of such a man. I figured I had to go through multiple security screenings or make many phone calls and pull strings to even be in the same room as this man. I don't know anything at all about him just that he is really high up in the University. As I was standing there in church it hit me. We worship the same God! I felt I was just as strong in front of God as this super powerful man in front of me. What I mean to say is this, we were both praising the same God at the same time in the same room. No appointments, no background checks, no need to know someone, just to worship Christ. The same God that appoints presidents, kings, and judges loves and cares for ME! The great predators of the world, lions, tiger sharks, piranha's etc. all worship the same God. I might just be onto something here...

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