Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life, what is it about?

I'm writing to you, the reader. I don't know your life story, your up-bringing, or your current state of well being. All I have to offer to you are thoughts; random musings from a mind that never seems to sleep. I offer you, a unique twist to a boring realization I'd like to call "life."

I've heard some say, "I've got a case of the Monday's!" What does this really mean? Does it mean you are bored, tired, sick of work? Perhaps life is boring or you can't seem to get out of a "rut" you find yourself in. Is this truly what life is all about? Is this what God had in mind when he said "You shall have life abundantly." An abundance of Monday's? Or perhaps Thursdays. You know, that day that seems to be longer than the rest because it's almost Friday. What do you think?

Is it possible to live life? Can you truly live out a full life? I find myself wanting vast moments of time to fly by. I'm at work and can't wait for it to be over, or I have a fun social event or get-together later tonight so I want the time between now and then to race by. College was something I wanted to go away. Could I have made something more of it?

How does God want you and I to live life? How do we embrace the ordinary and make it extraordinary? I really, truly want to know. I feel as if I'm blowing through life and I don't know how to stop and smell the roses if you will. I also don't know how to escape routine. It seems life is made up of nothing but routines. If you don't jump into one you will be lost forever.

So I ask you, how can you live to love and love to live?

1 comment:

  1. by making life totally and completely about glorifying Christ, rather than about being successful or personally fulfilled or even...gasp...happy. we seem to think that life and God are two separate things. we were created by God and for God - how can we possibly be apart from Him at any given time and be living life the way He meant us to live? I just think of that verse in Philippians that says to live is Christ....to LIVE IS CHRIST! We can live to love when Christ is our center and everything else is just the extra...either gifts from God so that we can enjoy this Earth or temptations Satan places in front of us to try to separate us from our Savior.

    I keep getting this analogy of a birthday present in my head. Christ is like a birthday present, and the world is like the wrapping paper. The wrapping paper might be pretty (depending on who did it...ha!) but the real gift is on the inside, and that's what it's all about. We can enjoy the wrapping paper and its goodlookingness but we don't want to just sit there and look at it and let it distract us from what's inside. That's always an option, but we will never find out what the real gift is...what's really meant to be relished and cherished and loved...if we don't look past the paper and ribbon. The wrapping is going to be tossed away anyway eventually....it's the gift that's what it's really all about.

    So...at this point I'm really tired and not sure if I made any sense whatsoever. But that's my two cents!!!
